Frequently Asked Questions.
Here are some common questions about the iFactorAnalysis App. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please feel free to contact us
How many editions are available for iFactorAnalysis?
Currently, iFactorAnalysis is published in two editions at the Apple App store, The full edition has all features currently available to do sophisticated factor analysis & principal component analysis for any reasonable-sized dataset. The lite (free) edition is provided to help get familiarity with factor analysis as a subject and get an idea about the advanced & comprehensive nature of the iFactorAnalysis app.
How long can I keep iFactorAnalysis?
Whether you have downloaded the lite or the full version, you may keep it and use it as long as you wish. No time restriction or subscription is need at this time.
How can I create iFactorAnalysis projects?
An iFactorAnalysis project consists of three parts, the project attributes such as title, brief description, the dataset, a table  of  rows & columns of numbers to be analyzed, and the project & output settings. All these can be created in the app using a user-friendly intiuitive interface. Alternatively it might be more convenient to prepare the project externally (ouside the app) on your favourite computer (Mac OS X, PC MS Windows or Linux)  using  your favourite text editor and a proprietary data format file template available from the iFactorAnalysis app. The resulting completed project file can be emailed to yourself and when opened in the device where iFactorAnalysis is installed, it get downloaded, validated & added automatically to your list of iFactorAnalysis projects.
What kind of output do I get from iFactorAnalysis?
The iFactorAnalysis app provides an extensive textual and graphic output. All can be configured to get as much or as little output as needed. Matrices, vectors & other  output in tabular form are meticulously formatted for elegant display.

Where appropriate, data can be visually presented as high-quality color-coded graphs. Output can be exported as pdf files.

Can I suggest or request new features ?
A software as sophisticated as iFactorAnalysis, requires contineous maintenance and improvements. We at Acurasoft, welcome any suggestions and ideas to be addressed in future releases. 
Is there a discount pricing of volume purchase for educational institutes?
Yes. There is a special volume discount for educational institutions. Please consult with Apple  for up-todate deals. 
Do I have to pay for regular bug fixes & updates?
No. All regular bug fixes and updates are provided free of charge to all app users. In most cases, updates are optional and it’s up to the user to keep his/her iFactorAnalysis app up to date, except when major changes in the underlying operating system (iOS) dictates forcefull updates. Please see our iFactorAnalysis app terms & conditions document for more details.
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